Authentic Models instruments collection revisits the worlds of 18th and 19th century explorers with precision working replicas of the compasses, visionary aids, timepieces and weather measurement devices they used at the time.
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Before the technological revolution, those who travelled the world by sea were dependent on accurately calibrated physical instruments to safely navigate their way. At the mercy of the tides, the weather and the earth’s rotation, mastering the great oceans called for skilful use of a whole range of tools, which were robustly constructed to withstand the rigours of life on the ocean waves.
Authentic Models revisits the worlds of 18th and 19th century explorers with accurate working replicas of the compasses, visionary aids, time-pieces and weather measuring devices they used. Beautifully crafted objects which let you have a go at manually identifying your position and situation. As well as being great talking points and impressive ornaments.